Topic: Voice prompts in a table

I am developing a survey application where some of the voice prompts are based on per callee information like his state of residence.  I have been able to use this information to access a table to get the callee specific info and put it in a variable which I then can use in a prompt but only with the text to speech capability. 

What I really want to do is record all these callee specific prompts and use the recordings and play them back when necessary.  Is there a way to put a voice recoding in a table for this purpose?   Or, is there a better way to do this?

Re: Voice prompts in a table

Tables in the Simple Database can actually store audio recordings.  They store them as a URL pointing to the audio file, which may or may not be on our server.  So for example, if you have a bunch of audio recorded on your web server, you can put URLs to these files into your CSV and then when you run an app using the value from the row, we will play the audio file at the URL when you use the Multipart Prompt, Say Variable, etc. modules with this value.

However, you sound like you also want to record these prompts dynamically.  You can actually make an app to do this: use the Voice Recording module, and then use the Update Database module to update a particular row in your table with the recording's variable.  It will save the audio and link it to your table.  In the database editor, it will show up as a link and with a little play button.

This sounds more complicated than it is... we hope to document it better in the near future.  Does this help?