1 my number was taken away

by testcharityforlife@○●○○○

2 My Database loads slow

by wrothman@●●●●●

3 Getting URL rather than MP3 content

by wrothman@●●●●●

4 Outbound result "failed (linefailure)"

by wrothman@●●●●●

5 Can't log in directly to forum

by wrothman@●●●●●

6 Buttons not working

by quentinfkane@○○●○●

7 Modulating the voice recordings

by wrothman@●●●●●

8 Uploading Audio Prompts

by randulo2008@●●○○○

9 Data Tables are very convenient

by victor@●○○●○

10 own voice recordings

by allison@●○●○●

11 convenient

by osheadan1@○○●○○

12 visual picture

by mattbrindle@●○●●○

13 older revisions

by russo.spy@○○●○○

14 Visual call flow for apps

by rob@●●●○●

15 Tutorials are great!

by rob@●●●○●

16 "help on this module"

by allison@●○●○●

17 "more info" gives great description of modules

by allison@●○●○●